Monday, June 11, 2012

Rice Milky Soaking Water...Beauty Tips from Koreans

Tau tak yang air basuhan beras ada khasiatnya?? *wink* Mmm... Selama ni mesti ramai yang buang macam tu je air basuhan beras tu kan? Saya ada terbaca dalam artikel di website Dr. Oz bahawa air basuhan tu sebenarnya ada khasiat untuk kecantikan kulit muka kita.. 

 Ini petikannya.... 

 "If you have age spots, sunspots or struggle with hyperpigmentation, you don’t have to spend a fortune on skin-correcting or lightening serums. Take a cue from Korean women. After soaking rice to ready it for cooking, Korean women use the starchy, milky water to wash their face. They dip a washcloth into the water and apply it directly to their skin. Rice is high in PABA, ferullic acid and allantoin, which are all high in antioxidants, and have natural anti-inflammatory and skin-protecting properties. The result is a soft dewy complexion and, over time, a reduction in the appearance of dark spots.", apa lagi, mulai dari sekarang, everytime nak masak nasi...jangan lupa bilas muka dengan air basuhan beras tu ye. Sahabat saya iaitu Yati Hassan pun pernah ajar tips kecantikan ni...hihihi 

Selamat Mencuba!! ^_^

Kalau nak baca lebih banyak lagi tips2 kecantikan dari Dr. Oz ni, sila klik di sini..

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